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Showing posts from January, 2018

We’re all in this together

As I sit here writing and preparing for tomorrow's lesson, I am nowhere near as ready for the switch to a class that de-emphasizes grades as I thought I would be two weeks ago. I idealistically thought my time over break could be spent resting, spending quality time with family AND recreating the structure of my course. Easy enough, right? Instead, I spent time with my family and resting while thinking about the restructuring of my course. At first, I thought my time reflecting on the restructuring and the resulting lack of pen-to-paper (or finger-to-keyboard) work was a failure. Upon further reflection tonight, I realize the work is never going to be done and that fact is a key characteristic of this transition. Control over a classroom and the content covered is something I have strived to accomplish since I started teaching 11 years ago. The idea of a well-written lesson plan and extensive knowledge of content and pedagogy was the goal of my pre-service teaching program. I