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Showing posts from December, 2017

I'm a second semester senior

As I enter my 7th year teaching second semester seniors, I am strongly considering a drastic change to my classroom structure to engage students through the remainder of the academic year. The decision and subsequent changes for my students may cause discomfort initially and a desire to go back to the way things were. However, as with most important things, if an action is worth taking it most likely is going to be difficult. My AP Environmental Science students will be going from a more traditional course with grades determined by points earned on summative assessments to a class where no points are earned and all grades will be earned via the accumulation of evidence of learning and making a grade claim based on that evidence. The first semester of this 2017-2018 school year saw students succeed in a classroom where grades were earned on based on summative assessment scores. Students could retake those assessments to earn more points to increase their percentage and accompanying